1. M. Ng, F. Wang and X. Yuan, Inexact Alternating Direction Methods for ImageRestoration and Reconstruction Problems. SIAM Journal on ScientificComputing, vol. 33, Issue 4, 1643–1668, 2011.
2. M. Ng, F. Wang and X. Yuan, Fast Minimization Methods for Solving ConstrainedTotal-Variation Superresolution Image Reconstruction. MultidimensionalSystems and Signal Processing , Vol. 22, Numbers 1-3, 259-286, 2011.
3. F. Wang and M. Ng, A Fast Minimization Method for Blur and MultiplicativeNoise Removal.International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 90, No. 1, 48-61, 2013.
4. X. Zhao, F. Wang, T. Huang, M. Ng and R. Plemmons, Deblurring and Sparse Unmixing For Hyperspectral Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, accetped.
5. M. Ng, C. Tam and F. Wang, Multi-view Foreground Segmentation via Fourth Order Tensor Learning, Inverse Problems and Imaging
1.Honourable Mention of the 5th Chinese Computational Mathematics Society for Young Researcher Research Paper Award. The Ninth Annual Computational Mathematics on Zhengzhou City Henan province, September 19-23, 2011.
2.The Fifteenth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods in Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA. March 26 - April 1, 2011. The registration fee is supported by the Conference.