1、 Zhen-Hui Bu, Hongjun Guo, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Transition fronts of combustion reaction diffusion equations in $\mathbb{R}^{N}$, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, DOI: 10.1007/s10884-018-9675-x .
2、 Liang Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Propagation dynamics of a time periodic and delayed reaction-diffusion model without quasi-monotonicity, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/tran/7709
3、 Danhua Jiang, King-Yeung Lam, Yuan Lou, Zhicheng Wang, Monotonicity and Global Dynamics of a Nonlocal Two-species Phytoplankton Model, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 79(2)(2019) 716-742.
4、 Luyi Ma, Hong-Tao Niu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Globally asymptotic stability of traveling waves to the Allen-Cahn equation with a fractional Laplacian, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 18(5)(2019) 2457-2472.
5、 Xue-Feng San, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling waves for a two-group epidemic model with latent period in a patchy environment, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 475 (2019) pp. 1502-1531.
6、 Zhen-Hui Bu, Lu-Yi Ma, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in the degenerate monostable and combustion equations II, Nonlinear Analysis RWA , 47(2019) 45-67.
7、 Hong-Tao Niu, Zhen-Hui Bu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Global stability of curved fronts in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction-diffusion systems in $\mathbb{R}^{2}, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 46(2019) 493-524.
8、 Yu-Juan Sun, Li Zhang, Wan-Tong Li and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire solutions in nonlocal monostable equations: Asymmetric Case, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 18(3)(2019) 1049-1072.
9、 Lin Zhao, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Shigui Ruan, Traveling Wave Solutions in a Two-group SIR Epidemic Model with Constant Recruitment, J. Math. Biol. 77(2018) 1871-1915.
10、 Wei-Jie Sheng, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire Solutions of Monotone Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Systems in $\mathbb R^N$, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (Calc. Var. PDE), 57(2018) 145(36pages), DOI: 10.1007/s00526-018-1437-4
11、 Danhua Jiang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Liang Zhang, A reaction-diffusion-advection SIS epidemic model in a spatially-temporally heterogeneous environment, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 23(10)(2018) 4557-4578.
12、 Ren-Hu Wang, Lei Wang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Free boundary problem of a reaction-diffusion equation with nonlinear convection term, J. Math Anal Appl, 467 (2018) pp. 1233-1257.
13、 Xiongxiong Bao, Wan-Tong Li, Wenxian Shen, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Spreading speeds and linear determinacy of time dependent diffusive cooperative/competitive systems, J. Differential Equations, 265(2018) 3048-3091.
14、 Bang-Sheng Han, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Turing Patterns of a Lotka-Volterra Competition System with Nonlocal Delay, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol 28, No. 7(2018) 1830021(25pages)
15、 Zhen-Hui Bu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Multidimensional stability of traveling fronts in combustion and non-KPP monostable equations, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., (2018) 69:12(27pp). (DOI: 10.1007/s00033-017-0906-5)
16、 Zhen-Hui Bu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Global stability of V-shaped traveling fronts in combustion and degenerate monostable equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 38(5)(2018)2251-2286.
17、 Hong-Tao Niu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Zhen-Hui Bu, Curved fronts in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction-diffusion systems in R^2, J. Differential Equations, 264(2018) 5758-5801.
18、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Liang Zhang, Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Time periodic travelling waves for a periodic and diffusive SIR epidemic model, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 30(1) (2018) 379-403.
19、 Dan-Hua Jiang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, The Diffusive Logistic Equation on Periodically Evolving Domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 458(1) (2018) 93-111.
20、 Xiong-Xiong Bao, Wan-Tong Li and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Time periodic traveling curved fronts in the periodic Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 29 (3) (2017), 981–1016.
21、 Li Zhang, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire Solution in an Ignition Nonlocal Dispersal Equation: Asymmetric Kernel, Sci China Math 60(10)(2017) 1791–1804, doi: 10.1007/s11425-016-9003-7
22、 Liang Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Threshold dynamics of a reaction-diffusion epidemic model with stage structure, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems series B, 22(10)(2017) 3797-3820.
23、 Lin Zhao, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Liang Zhang, Threshold dynamics of a time periodic and two-group epidemic model with distributed delay, Math. Biosci. Engineering, 14(5/6)(2017), 1535-1563.
24、 Jian-Wen Sun, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, The Periodic Principal Eigenvalues with Applications to the Nonlocal Dispersal Logistic Equation, J. Differential Equations, 263 (2017) 934-971.
25、 Lin Zhao, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Shigui Ruan, Traveling wave solutions of a two-group epidemic model with latent period, Nonlinearity, 30(2017), 1287-1325.
26、 Zhen-Hui Bu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in the degenerate monostable and combustion equations I, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 37(2017), 2395-2430.
27、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Hui-Ling Niu, Shigui Ruan, On the Existence of Axisymmetric Traveling Fronts in Lotka-Volterra Competition-Diffusion Systems in $\mathbb{R}^3$, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 22(3)(2017), 1111-1144.
28、 Lin Zhao, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling wave fronts in a diffusive epidemic model with multiple parallel infectious stages, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 81(2016) 795-823.
29、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Shigui Ruan, Existence, uniqueness and stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in reaction-diffusion systems. Sci China Math, 59 (2016) 1869–1908.
30、 Liang Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, A Time-Periodic Reaction-Diffusion Epidemic Model with Infection Period, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., (2016) 67: 117.
31、 Bang-Sheng Han, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Zhaosheng Feng, Traveling waves for the nonlocal diffusive single species model with Allee effect, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 443(2016) 243-264.
32、 Liang Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Dynamics of a reaction-diffusion waterborne pathogen model with direct and indirect transmission, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 72 (2016) 202-215.
33、 Cui-Ping Cheng, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Shenzhou Zheng, Traveling waves connecting equilibrium and periodic orbit for a delayed population model on a two-dimensional spatial lattice, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 26, No. 3 (2016) 1650049 (13 pages).
34、 Bang-Sheng Han, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling wave solutions in a nonlocal reaction-diffusion population model, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 15(3) (2016), 1069-1088.
35、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Zhen-Hui Bu, Nonplanar traveling fronts in Reaction-Diffusion equations with combustion and degenerate Fisher-KPP nonlinearities, J. Differential Equations, 260 (2016), 6405–6450.
36、 Zhen-Hui Bu, Zhi-Cheng Wang and Nai-Wei Liu, Asymptotic behavior of pulsating fronts and entire solutions of reaction-advection-diffusion equations in periodic media, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 28(2016) 48-71.
37、 Zhen-Hui Bu and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Curved fronts of monostable reaction-advection-diffusion equations in space-time periodic media, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 16(1)(2016) 139-160.
38、 Bin-Guo Wang, Wan-Tong Li and Zhi-Cheng Wang, A Reaction-Diffusion SIS Epidemic Model in an Almost Periodic Environment, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 66 (6) (2015), 3085-3108.
39、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Cylindrically symmetric traveling fronts in periodic reaction-diffusion equation with bistable nonlinearity, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A , 145A (2015), 1053–1090.
40、 Liang Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Threshold Dynamics of A Time Periodic Reaction-Diffusion Epidemic Model with Latent Period, J. Differential Equations, 258 (2015) 3011–3036.
41、 Jian-Wen Sun, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, A Nonlocal Dispersal Logistic Equation with Spatial Degeneracy, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35(7) (2015) 3217-3238.
42、 Fei-Ying Yang, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling Waves in a Nonlocal Dispersal SIR Epidemic Model, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 23(2015) 129-147.
43、 Liang Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Spatial dynamics in a diffusive predator-prey model with stage structure, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 20 (2015), no. 6, 1831–1853.
44、 Wei-Jie Sheng, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Multidimensional stability of V-shaped traveling fronts in the Allen-Cahn equation, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 56(10) (2013), 1969–1982.
45、 Hui-Ling Niu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling waves in lattice differential equations with distributed maturation delay, Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. 2013, No. 44, 1-22.
46、 Fei-Ying Yang, Yan Li, Wan-Tong Li and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling Waves in a Nonlocal Anisotropic Dispersal Kermack-McKendrick Epidemic Model, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, Vol. 18, no. 7 September 2013, pp 1969-1993.
47、 Xiong-Xiong Bao, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Existence and stability of time periodic traveling waves for a periodic bistable Lotka-Volterra competition system, J. Differential Equations, 255(2013) 2402-2435.
48、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Shigui Ruan, Entire solutions in lattice delayed differential equations with nonlocal interaction: Bistable cases, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. Vol. 8, No. 3, 2013, pp. 78–103.
49、 Yuxiao Wang and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire solutions in a time-delayed and diffusive epidemic model, Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2013) 5033–5041
50、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Jianhong Wu, Rongsong Liu, Traveling waves of the spread of avian influenza, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 140(11)(2012), 3931-3946.
51、 Guo-Bao Zhang, Wan-Tong Li and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Spreading Speeds and Traveling Waves for Nonlocal Dispersal Equations with Degenerate Nonlinearity, J. Differential Equations,252 (2012), pp. 5096-5124.
52、 Cui-Ping Cheng, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Persistence of Bistable Waves in a Delayed Population Model with Stage Structure on a Two-Dimensional Spatial Lattice, Nonlinear Anal. RWA, 13(2012), 1873–1890.
53、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling curved fronts in monotone bistable systems, Discrete Continu. Dyn. Systems, 32(2012), 2339--2374.
54、 Nai-Wei Liu, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Pulsating Type Entire Solutions of Monostable Reaction-Advection-Diffusion Equations in Periodic Excitable Media,Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 75(4) (2012), 1869–1880.
55、 Wei-Jie Sheng, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Periodic pyramidal traveling fronts of bistable reaction-diffusion equations with time-periodic nonlinearity, J. Differential Equations 252(2012), 2388-2424.
56、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Jianhua Wu, Traveling waves in a bio-reactor model with stage-structure, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 385 (2012), 683–692.
57、 Yu-Juan Sun, Wan-Tong Li and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire Solutions in Nonlocal Dispersal Equations with Bistable Nonlinearity, J. Differential Equations 251 (2011), 551–581.
58、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Jianhua Wu, Periodic traveling curved fronts in reaction-diffusion equations with bistable time-periodic nonlinearity, J. Differential Equations 250 (2011), 3196–3229.
59、 Yu-Juan Sun, Wan-Tong Li and Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling Waves for a Nonlocal Anisotropic Dispersal Equation with Monostable Nonlinearity, Nonlinear Analysis 74 (2011), 814–826.
60、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Dynamics of a nonlocal delayed reaction-diffusion equation without quasi-monotonicity, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A , 140 (2010), 1081 -1109.
61、 Wan-Tong Li, Yu-Juan Sun, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire solutions in the Fisher–KPP equation with nonlocal dispersal, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 11 (2010), 2302-2313.
62、 Cui-Ping Cheng, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Asymptotic Stability of Traveling Wavefronts in a Delayed Population Model with Stage Structure on a Two-Dimensional Spatial Lattice, Discrete Continu. Dyn. Systems- B, 13 (2010), 559-575.
63、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Jianhong Wu, Traveling waves of a diffusive Kermack-McKendrick epidemic model with nonlocal delayed transmission, Proc. Royal Soc. A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 466 (2010), 237-261.
64、 Nai-Wei Liu, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire solutions in reaction advection diffusion equations with bistable nonlinearity in cylinders, J. Differential Equations, 246 (2009), 4249-4267.
65、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li and Shigui Ruan, Entire solutions in bistable reaction-diffusion equations with delayed nonlinearity, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 361(2009), 2047-2084.
66、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Jianhong Wu, Entire solutions in delayed lattice differential equations with monostable nonlinearity, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 40(2009), 2392-2420.
67、 Bin-Guo Wang, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Exponential dichotomy and admissibility of linearized skew-product semiflows defined on a compact positively invariant subset of semiflows, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 10(2009), 2062-2071.
68、 Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Jianhong Wu, Entire solutions in monostable reaction diffusion equations with delayed nonlinearity, J. Differential Equations, 245(2008), 102-129.
69、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Shigui Ruan, Travelling fronts in monostable equations with nonlocal delayed effects, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 20(2008), 573-607.
70、 Wan-Tong Li, Nai-Wei Liu, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Entire solutions in reaction advection diffusion equations in cylinders, J. Math. Pures Appl., 90(2008), 492-504.
71、 Cui-Ping Cheng, Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Spreading speeds and traveling waves in a delayed population model with stage structure on a two-dimensional spatial lattice, IMA J. Appl. Math., 73(2008), 592-618.
72、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Monotone travelling fronts of a food-limited population model with nonlocal delay, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 8 (2007), 699-712.
73、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Shigui Ruan, Existence and stability of traveling wave fronts in reaction advection diffusion equations with nonlocal delay, J. Differential Equations, 238(2007), 153-200.
74、 Wan-Tong Li, Shigui Ruan, Zhi-Cheng Wang, On the diffusive Nicholson's Blowflies equation with nonlocal delay, J. Nonlinear Science, 17(2007), 505-525.
75、 Wan-Tong Li, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Traveling fronts in diffusive and cooperative Lotka-Volterra system with nonlocal delays, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 58(2007), 571-591.
76、 Zhi-Cheng Wang, Wan-Tong Li, Shigui Ruan, Travelling wave fronts in reaction-diffusion systems with spatio-temporal delays, J. Differential Equations, 222( 2006), 185-232.