1.Q. Xu*, W. Zhao, S. Zhou, Commutator estimates for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map of Stokes systems in Lipschitz domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 458 (2018), no.1, 219—241.
2.S. Gu, Q. Xu*, Optimal boundary estimates for Stokes systems in homogenization theory, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 49 (2017), no.5, 3831—3853.
3.Q. Xu, Convergence rates and estimates in homogenization theory of Stokes systems in Lipschitz domains, J. Differential Equations 263 (2017), no.1, 398-450.
4.Q. Xu, Convergence rates for general elliptic homogenization problems in Lipschitz domains. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 48 (2016), no.6, 3742—3788.
5.Q. Xu, Uniform regularity estimates in homogenization theory of elliptic systems with lower order terms on the Neumann boundary problem, J. Differential Equations 261 (2016), no.8, 4368—4423.
6.Q. Xu, Uniform regularity estimates in homogenization theory of elliptic system with lower order terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 438(2016), no.2, 1066—1107.
7.Q. Xu*, S. Zhou, Lp Neumann problems in homogenization of general elliptic Systems, arXiv:1806.02632v1 (2018).
8. Q. Xu*, P. Zhao, S. Zhou, The methods of layer potentials for general elliptic homogenization problems in Lipschitz domains, arXiv:1801.09220v1 (2018).
9. Q. Xu*, S. Zhou, Quantitative estimates in homogenization of parabolic systems of elasticity in Lipschitz cylinders, arXiv:1705.01479v2 (2017).
10. L. Wang, Q. Xu*, P. Zhao, Quantitative estimates on periodic homogenization of nonlinear elliptic operators. (2018)