1 . Sibei Yang and D. Yang, Heat kernels and Hardy spaces on non-tangentially accessible domains with applications to global regularity of inhomogeneous Dirichlet problems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376(2023), 7447-7493.
2 . J. Zhang, D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Kato square root problem for degenerate elliptic operators on bounded Lipschitz domains, J. Differential Equations 353(2023), 1-62.
3 . W. Ma and Sibei Yang, On BMO and Hardy regularity estimates for a class of non-local elliptic equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A (2022), DOI:10.1017/prm.2022.82.
4 . Sibei Yang, D. Yang and W. Yuan, Weighted global regularity estimates for elliptic problems with Robin boundary conditions in Lipschitz domains, J. Differential Equations, 296(2021), 512-572.
5 . Sibei Yang, W. Sickel, D. Yang and W. Yuan, Regularity for Robin boundary problems of Laplace equations and Hardy spaces on C1 and (semi-)convex domains, J. Differential Equations 279(2021), 198-244.
6 . X. Fu, D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Endpoint boundedness of linear commutators on local Hardy spaces over metric measure spaces of homogeneous type, J. Geom. Anal. 31 (2021), 4092-4164.
7 . Sibei Yang, D.-C. Chang, D. Yang and W. Yuan, Weighted gradient estimates for elliptic problems with Neumann boundary conditions in Lipschitz and (semi-)convex domains, J. Differential Equations 268(2020), 2510-2550.
8 . Sibei Yang and D. Yang, Lp Neumann problem for some Schrödinger equations in (semi-)convex domains, Commun. Contemp. Math. 22(2020), 1950007, 20 pp.
9 . Sibei Yang, D. Yang and W. Yuan, The Lp Robin problem for Laplace equations in Lipschitz and (semi-)convex domains, J. Differential Equations 264(2018), 1348-1376.
10. Sibei Yang, D.-C. Chang, D. Yang and Z. W. Fu, Gradient estimates via rearrangements for solutions of some Schrödinger equations, Anal. Appl. (Singap.) 16(2018), 339-361.
11. Sibei Yang, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the Neumann and the Regularity problems in Lp of some Schrödinger equations on Lipschitz domains, Potential Anal. 49(2018), 527–554.
12. Y. Sawano, K.-P. Ho, D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Hardy spaces for ball quasi-Banachfunctionspaces, Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 525(2017), 102 pp.
13. J. Cao, D.-C. Chang, D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Riesz transform characterizations of Musielak-Orlicz-Hardy spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368(2016), 6979-7018.
14. D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Regularity for inhomogeneous Dirichlet problems of some Schrödinger equations on domains, J. Geom. Anal. 26(2016), 2097-2129.
15. D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Musielak-Orlicz Hardy spaces associated with operators and their applications, J. Geom. Anal. 24(2014), 495-570.
16. J. Cao, D.-C. Chang, D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Weighted local Orlicz-Hardy spaces on domains and their applications in inhomogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann problems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 365(2013), 4729-4809.
17. D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Real-variable characterizations of Orlicz-Hardy spaces on strongly Lipschitz domains of Rn, Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 29(2013), 237-292.
18. S. Hou, D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Lusin area function and molecular characterizations of Musielak-Orlicz Hardy spaces and their applications, Commun. Contemp. Math. 15(2013), 1350029, 37 pp.
19. D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Orlicz-Hardy spaces associated with divergence operators on unbounded strongly Lipschitz domains of Rn, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 61(2012), 81-129.
20. D. Yang and Sibei Yang, Local Hardy spaces of Musielak-Orlicz type and their applications, Sci. China Math. 55(2012), 1677-1720.