

兰州大学数学与统计学院     副教授   颜棋

        颜棋,男,汉族,江西上饶人,1990年11月生,中共党员,2020年10月毕业于厦门大学,获理学博士学位。2018.09-2019.09在澳大利亚莫纳什大学国家公派博士联合培养一年。目前在Forum Math. Sigma、J. Combin. Theory Ser. A、European J. Combin.、Adv. Appl. Math.、Discrete Math.等国内外高水平数学期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。 

2024.01  -    至今,兰州大学 \ 数学与统计学院 \ 副教授
2020.10-2023.12,中国矿业大学 \ 数学学院 \ 讲师

2018.09-2019.09,澳大利亚莫纳什大学,国家公派博士联合培养(导师:Graham Farr教授)
[ 1 ] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Partial-twuality polynomials of delta-matroids, Adv. Appl. Math., 2024, 153: 102623.
[ 2 ] 颜棋, 金贤安, 非插值部分对偶欧拉亏格多项式的新结果, 数学学报, 2023, 66(5): 867-880.
[ 3 ] 金贤安, 颜棋, 部分对偶多项式:从带子图到delta-拟阵, 厦门大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 62(6): 971-978.
[ 4 ] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Partial-dual genus polynomials and signed intersection graphs, Forum Math. Sigma, 2022, 10: e69.
[ 5 ] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Twist polynoimals of delta-matroids, Adv. Appl. Math., 2022, 139: 102363.
[ 6 ] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Counterexamples to the interpolating conjecture on partial-dual genus polynomials of ribbon graphs, European J. Combin., 2022, 102: 103493.
[ 7 ] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Eulerian and bipartite binary delta-matroids, Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 2022, 38(4): 813-821.
[ 8 ] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Checkerboard colourable twuals, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 2022, 38(3): 612-622.
[ 9 ] Q. Yan, X. Jin, A-trails of embedded graphs and twisted duals, Ars Math. Contemp., 2022, 22: #P2.06.
[10] R. Zheng, X. Jin, Q. Yan, Twuality: a new direction and our recent works, Adv. Math. (China), 2022, 51(4): 577-597.
[11] X. Guo, X. Jin, Q. Yan, Excluded checkerboard colourable ribbon graph minors, Discrete Math., 2022, 345: 112992.
[12] X. T. Li, X. Jin, Q. Yan, The Ihara-zeta function and the spectrum of the join of two semi-regular bipartite graphs, Graphs Combin., 2022, 38: 82.
[13] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Counterexamples to a conjecture by Gross, Mansour and Tucker on partial-dual genus polynomials of ribbon graphs, European J. Combin., 2021, 93: 103285.
[14] X. Guo, X. Jin, Q. Yan, Characterization of regular checkerboard colourable twisted duals of ribbon graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 2021, 180: 105428.
[15] X. Jin, Q. Yan, Two graphical models of the Kauffman polynomial and their relationship, Topology Proc., 2020, 55: 45-64.
[16] Q. Yan, X. Jin, Extremal embedded graphs, Ars Math. Contemp. (Ars Mathematica Contemporanea), 2019, 17: 637-652.
[17] Q. Yan, J. D. Yin, On quasi-weakly almost periodic points of continuous flows, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) , 2019, 35(2): 257-269.
[18] Q. Yan, J. D. Yin, T. Wang, Some weak specification properties and mixing property, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B, 2017, 38(5): 1111-1118.
[19] Q. Yan, J. D. Yin, M. Ballesteros, W. L. Wu, Banach upper density recurrent points of C(0)-flows, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 2016, 32(11): 1312-1322.
[20] Q. Yan, J. D. Yin, T. Wang, Fixed point and common fixed point theorems on ordered cone metric spaces over Banach algebras, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 2016, 9(4): 1581-1589.
[21] T. Wang, J. D. Yin, Q. Yan, The sequence asymptotic average shadowing property and transitivity, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 2016, 9(6): 3600-3610.
[22] T. Wang, J. D. Yin, Q. Yan, Several transitive properties and Devaney's chaos, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 2016, 32(3): 373-383.
[23] J. D. Yin, Q. Yan, T. Wang, Liu, Ling, Tripled coincidence points for mixed comparable mappings in partially ordered cone metric spaces over Banach algebras, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 2016, 9(4): 1590-1599.
[24] T. Wang, J. D. Yin, Q. Yan, The sufficient conditions for dynamical systems of semigroup actions to have some stronger forms of sensitivities, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 2016, 9(3): 989-997.
[25] T. Wang, J. D. Yin, Q. Yan, Fixed point theorems on cone 2-metric spaces over Banach algebras and an application, Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2015: 204.
[26] J. D. Yin, T. Wang, Q. Yan, Fixed point theorems of ordered contractive mappings on cone metric spaces over Banach algebras,  Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2015: 48.
[27] Q. Yan, J. D. Yin, T. Wang, A note on quasi-weakly almost periodic point, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 2015, 31(4): 637-646.
[28] 颜棋, 尹建东, 一类极小系统的动力性状, 华侨大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 36(2): 237-240.
[1] 主持国家自然科学基金(青年),题目:带子图部分twuality亏格多项式及相关问题研究。(No. 12101600) ,起止时间:2022.01-2024.12。
[2] 主持中央高校基本科研业务费项目,题目:带子图部分对偶亏格多项式的若干性质研究。(No. 2021QN1037),起止时间:2021.01-2022.12。
[3] 主持中国矿业大学第十四批青年教师“启航计划”。
[1] 硕士学位论文《拓扑动力系统中若干动力性状的研究》被评为2017年江西省优秀硕士学位论文。
[1] 2016-至今,美国数学会“Math Review”评论员。
